Urogenital reconstructive surgery

The genital areas of both men and women are a complex anatomical regions to reconstruct. We must consider not only the aesthetic and structural aspects of each organ but also its function.

For this reason, a satisfactory approach for treating disorders of these sensitive body areas should proceed in a multidisciplinary way. Our Plastic Surgery Department works in close partnership with the Foundation Puigvert in order to obtain the best results in this type of reconstruction. Thus, we can mitigate the consequences of genital cancers, perineal trauma, congenital defects of genital development and morphological changes that require complex reconstruction.

For experts, undergoing genitourinary reconstruction surgery with a multidisciplinary team involves improvements in functional outcomes.

In cases of urinary fistula or lack of the functional recovery of erection can be avoided if the procedure is performed by a team of urologists, andrologists, plastic surgeons, endocrinologists and psychologists.

The lack of volume or sensitivity are other limitations that can occur if the patient is not treated by a multidisciplinary team.

Undergoing microsurgical techniques, the penis can be recosntructed with tissues taken from other parts of the body such as the arm or leg of the patient.

Such reconstructions can be prompted due to accidents, congenital diseases or sex change operations.

Congenital absence of the penis or having a micropenis can cause significant psychological trauma. In adults, this absence is due to penile cancer that requires total amputation.


Despite screening efforts for gynecological cancer, vulvar and vaginal tumors are still present in our environment. Oncological resection of these tumors often leads to amputation of female genital tract needing vulvo-perineal or vaginal reconstruction.

Plastic surgery can help these patients by providing the morphological and functional reconstruction of this anatomical area.


This procedure consists in the reconstruction of the penis (phalloplasty) using skin and fat from the patient's forearm. The donor tissue includes a vein, artery and nerve endings. The forearm is used to reconstruct a new penis and includes micro-neuro-vascular (sensory) transfer to genital area where artery, veins and sensory nerve of the forearm are connected to femoral vessels and sensory nerves

Once implanted, the new penis is sensitive and allows for urination and sexual function, except erection. Following the first stage, we would proceed with the implantation of a hydraulic prosthesis that will allow the patient to regain erectile capacity.

This surgery provides an emotional benefit to the patient, who feels more confident.

Vaginoplasty allowing greater friction during sex.

This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and does not require the patient hospitalization.

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