The surgery

It is common that once you have decided performing surgery, the patient signs an informed consent for surgery and clinical photographs to be taken.

The breast reconstruction usually involves more than one surgery. The first step is to recreate the shape of the breast. This can be done at the same time as the mastectomy or later.

The first step of the reconstruction is performed under general anesthesia.

After the surgery you will wake up with a bandage and a drain. If the reconstruction has been performed with a free flap, you will remain 24 hours under surveillance to ensure that the flow of blood that reaches the flap is running.

It's likely to feel pain one or two weeks after the procedures performed and it is possible that the doctor prescribes drugs to alleviate pain and other discomforts. Patients recover quickly if pain is controlled early.

Depending on the procedure, the patient will leave the hospital among one and six days later. It is possible to come back home with one or more drains.

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