Hospital del Mar

Hospital del Mar Barcelona

Hospital del Mar. Barcelona

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  • March 24th, 2025

    New tool to boost cancer immunotherapy effects

    The genetic modification of the Natural Killer (NK) cells, lymphocytes forming part of the body's immune system, would make it possible to retain their capacity of eliminating tumour cells in solid tumours. Some types of tumours secrete two molecules, TGF-β and Activin A, which supress the capacity of NK cells to attack them. A team of researchers from the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Pompeu Fabra University has developed a new tool that allows modifying these NK cells to make them immune to the tumour's defense mechanism.

    Read more sobre "New tool to boost cancer immunotherapy effects"

  • March 13, 2025

    The relationship between gut microbiota, immunoglobulin A, and vaccine efficacy

    A study led by the Hospital del Mar Research Institute has established the importance of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that is part of the immune system, in generating a response to pneumonia vaccines. Researchers have found that the absence of this antibody leads to an overgrowth of gut microbiota, triggering an excessive and sustained immune system response, which ultimately becomes exhausted and fails to respond effectively to vaccines. The study, published in Science Advances, opens the door to exploring the possibility of early immunoglobulin therapy administration to prevent this process and reduce the risk of potentially dangerous infections, even in at-risk individuals without a diagnosed immunodeficiency.

    Read more sobre "The relationship between gut microbiota, immunoglobulin A, and vaccine efficacy"

  • March 6th, 2025

    Possible Foundations of Human Intelligence Observed for the First Time

    A study led by Dr. Rodrigo Quian Quiroga has demonstrated how neurons in the human brain generate memories and establish narratives. The research is published in the journal Cell Reports. For the first time, it has been confirmed that, contrary to previous beliefs, individual neurons represent the concepts we learn, regardless of the context in which we encounter them. This allows humans, unlike other animals, to establish higher and more abstract relationships, which lays the foundation of human intelligence.

    Read more sobre "Possible Foundations of Human Intelligence Observed for the First Time"


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