Information during the stay

The staff team of doctors, nurses social workers and others is specialised in attending to the healthcare and social needs of the elderly and their families, including diagnosis, treatment and subsequently their monitoring and assessment.

The building is comprised of:

  • An Out-patient Unit.
  • Six In-patient modules
    • Units for Geriatrics, Alzheimer's and other dementias: 193 beds
    • Mental Health wards of: 85 beds.
  • Two Day Hospital Services:
    • Geriatric Day Hospital with up to 50 places.
    • Mental Health Day Hospital with up to 30 beds.


The patient's stay at the Centre Fòrum begins at the Admissions Service, where they will take down all the necessary administrative details. It is a good idea to get to know the   people who will be working with you: They all wear a clearly visible badge with their name and professional status on it. Also their uniforms are differentiated by colours: White for doctors, blue for nurses and orange for auxiliary nursing staff.


At the Centre Fòrum we hope that you will enjoy our meals. In any case, it is important that patients follow the diet set by the staff, and that this is not altered by any kind of food or drink  brought in by family members.  Remember that, for reasons of hygiene, food is not allowed to be kept in the rooms.
Mealtimes are:

  • Breakfast: from 8.15am to 8.30am.
  • Lunch: from 12.45am to 1.15pm.
  • Lunch: from 4 pm to 4.15pm.
  • Dinner: from 6.45pm to 7.15pm.

Leaving the hospital

When your doctor considers that you may go home, remember that you have to pick up a report on your state of health. Keep this in a safe place; as it will be very useful for monitoring and controlling your illness and for providing important information if you need to be admitted again.  Feel free to ask questions whenever you want more information or don't understand any of the recommendations.  Remember that on the day of your discharge, you should leave your room before 12 midday if possible, to allow other residents to be admitted.

Social Work

The centre has a Social Work Service that forms a part of the healthcare team, and which will attend to any social or family problems originating from your illness or stay at our centre. When you are admitted, you will be given the name of the centre's social worker so that you can arrange to see her/him or ask for her/his help.

Religious Support Service

There is a Catholic priest available to give his support to the patients and their family members if they wish. We can also arrange contact with persons representing other religions. To request this, you can go to reception or contact the Religious Service directly. This service is located on the first floor. Mass is held on Sundays and Public Holidays at 11am.

Social commitment

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