Visit in the Hospital


  • Mandatory use of surgical mask and hand hygiene.

  • Preferably accompanying persons with a FULL VACCINATION regimen.

Visit in Outpatient Care

The Outpatient Care service can be accessed

  • Sent by the medical practitioner or specialist: For a first visit, your doctor will refer you to our centre using a referral slip. This request goes directly to the Hospital, and you will receive notification of the day and time of the visit by post.
  • Made an appointment by the Emergency Service: After urgent care, if the doctor deems it necessary, the Emergency Admissions Service will arrange a day and time for you to visit Outpatient Care.
  • Made an appointment by the Hospitalization Area: At the time of discharge from the hospital, the next visit will be arranged for you in Outpatient Care, to monitor your process.

Surgical Area

In the case of surgery in H. Mar.

  • 1 family member/accompanying person on admission and discharge.
  • They will be able to be with the patient in the corresponding unit to help them.
  • Opening hours: from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm.

Transfer to the Hospitalization Unit

The circuit established in the internal guide of visits for admitted patients will be applied.

Àrea Ambulatòria

  • Recommendation to enter with only 1 family member/companion.
  • Do not arrive before 15 minutes.
  • Do not come with symptoms of cough, fever and/or nasal congestion.

Documents required

If you are subscribed to the Spanish Social Security, it is essential that you bring your Healthcare card - Targeta d'Identificació Sanitària (TIS) - if you wish to attend the service. If you belong to PAMEM, bring the relevant card, or the authorisation slip if you have private health insurance. If it is the first time that you are visiting our centre, it would be of great help if you could bring all the documents that refer to your illness or to other health problems that you have suffered from in the past.

When you arrive at the Out-patient building (this can be reached by using the escalator or lifts), it is important that, first of all, you go to the Information Desk, where they will tell you where you need to go. Then the administrative staff will check your details and will indicate the place where your consultation will take place. At the end of your visit, the doctor may recommend another visit.

It is preferable to arrange this subsequent visit right away, at the administration desk. If this is not possible, you can also do so from home by calling 93 248 33 34 or 93 248 33 35 between 8.00am and 7.00pm, from Monday to Friday.

If the doctor asks for any tests to be done, the administrative staff will inform you of all the steps you should follow. Similarly, on your next visits you will be able to go directly to the area where the first visit took place and hand in your citation to the nurse there.

If you have any queries, or would like more information, please call 93 248 33 33.

Other useful information

Coordination with Primary Healthcare

Coordination with Primary Healthcare Centres concerns mainly the application of the programme for the reordering of specialised healthcare (Programa de Reordenació de l'Atenció Especialitzada: RAE). This programme consists of the integration of specialist doctors from the Hospital del Mar into the Primary Healthcare Centres in order to attend to users in the CAP that corresponds to them. This saves them the need to travel, and also facilitates relations between family doctors and the doctors from the hospital, which is beneficial to the patient, providing continuity of care.

Waiting lists

In the healthcare sector, the attention to the public is necessarily subject to limits, imposed by the limited resources available, the demand for services from the Community and the need to try to treat everybody with the same degree of preference. For this reason, and due to the great demand for certain specialisations, waiting lists form. Nevertheless, every case is assessed by the doctors of the corresponding service in order to prioritise the fastest possible programming for the most serious pathologies.

Waiting time per visit

The time necessary for each visit depends on the speciality, taking into consideration the time that each visit requires and also the pressure that the speciality in question is under. For this reason, on some occasions we are obliged to adjust the programming of the visits in order to shorten the waiting list. This means that your visit may be later than the programmed time.

Social commitment

  • Social commitment
  • Top 20
  • HPH Catalunya - Xarxa d'Hospitals i Centres Promotors de la Salut
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