Portfolio of Services

Primary care services specialising in mental health and addictions

Youth & adolescent mental health centres (CSMIJ)

CSMIJs provide specialised care services and primary care support to minors. Services are provided in the community, taking into account all preventive, educational, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitative areas, in coordination and with the support of community facilities. These include:

  • Ciutat Vella CSMIJ
  • Sant Martí Nord CSMIJ
  • Sant Martí Sud CSMIJ
  • La Mina CSMIJ

Adult mental health care centre (CSMA)

CSMAs provide specialised care services and primary care support for patients older than 18. These include:

  • Sant Martí Sud CSMA
  • Sant Martí Nord CSMA
  • Maragall CSMA
  • La Mina CSMA
  • Santa Coloma de Gramanet CSMA

Individual Service Plan (ISP)

Aimed at patients with severe mental illness (SMI), with little or no background of treatment or involvement with the public health network and with social and/or family problems. The objective is to improve patients’ personal resources, their quality of life, sign them up for treatment and decrease hospital admissions. There is a PSI in the district of Sant Martí and another in Santa Coloma de Gramenet - Badalona.

Care and Supervision Centre (CSC)

These care and supervision centres offer outpatient treatment specialising in drug dependencies. CSCs are comprised of teams of professionals from different disciplines (doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses, etc.), who design the most appropriate treatment type in accordance with each individual case needing these services, as well as the convenience of employing other resources, such as therapeutic communities and detoxification hospital units. CSCs can offer different treatment types: drug-free treatments, methadone maintenance programmes, antagonist maintenance programmes, etc. There is one in Barceloneta and another in La Mina.

UFISS for cognitive deterioration and behavioural illnesses: Santa Coloma de Gramanet

Community rehabilitation services and day hospitals

Community rehabilitation services

The Cognitive Illnesses Day Hospital is a social-public health day service for patients affected by cognitive deterioration and/or dementia who may benefit from a Complete Psychostimulant Programme. The main objective is to slow down the progression of cognitive deterioration, maintain the maximum independence possible and the patient’s ability to remain with the family.

There is individual treatment adapted to the patient and the development of the disease, evaluation and treatment of the psychopathology associated with dementia (behavioural problems), prevention of risk situations and complications associated with cognitive deterioration (nutritional alterations, falls...) and consultation, education and emotional support for the primary caregiver. The Santa Coloma de Gramenet Day Centre can accommodate up to 25 patients.

Day Hospitals

They actively and comprehensively attend to patients affected by serious mental illnesses who need intensive treatment for a limited period of time, stabilising their psychopathological condition and improving their quality of life. The objective is to promote social, family and employment reintegration, connecting the person to their regular public health resource. We can accommodate 57 patients with mental health and addictions:

  • Forum Centre (12)
  • Dr Emili Mira Centre (20 in mental health)
  • Dr Emili Mira Centre (25 in social health)

Psychiatric and addiction hospitalisation services


Continuous care is provided (24 hours) to patients with mental illnesses (and their family members) who are in crisis, experience their first serious decompensation, a distorted view of reality, not adapting due to the mental illness with risk of social exclusion, worsening of chronic processes and physical risk behaviour due to harming themselves or others, directly related to the disease. Quick service is provided, with treatment involving understanding and listening in order to respond to demand via an adequate redirecting to different existing resources, always favouring continued public health care. We have 7 boxes.

  • Hospital del Mar (3 boxes)
  • Forum Centre (2 boxes)
  • Dr Emili Mira Centre (2 boxes)

Acute Care

Care for patients affected by mental illness who are in crisis and no resolution possible outside the hospital. It includes diagnostic, suitable care and a contained atmosphere to assure the patient’s return to the community and suitable and coordinated redirecting. We have 125 beds:

  • Hospital del Mar (7 beds)
  • Forum Centre (74 beds)
  • Dr Emili Mira Centre (44 beds)

Sub-acute Care: 16 beds at the Dr Emili Mira Centre

Dual pathology

The objective is to provide suitable responses to the needs of patients who, given their complexity and comorbidity, required a longer internment time. Patients admitted here have mental illnesses and an associated problem with drug or substance abuse and/or dependencies, whose situation cannot be resolved in an outpatient setting. It includes diagnosis, treatment, suitable care with specific programmes and public health supervision. We have 30 beds:

  • Forum Centre (11 beds)
  • Dr Emili Mira Centre (19 beds)

Detoxification Unit, Hospital del Mar (5 beds)

High Psychiatric Dependency (ADP) and Long-term Psychiatric Stays, 140 beds at the Dr Emili Mira Centre

Psychogeriatric Convalescence

Diagnosis, treatment and cure of patients with dementia to attain the maximum level of independence possible and improve their quality of life. It promotes patients’ participation and integration, drawing up a complete and personal therapeutic plan, providing support to families that is coordinated with other resources. We have 60 beds at the Dr Emili Mira Centre.

Long Stay Psychogeriatric

Diagnosis, treatment and cure of patients with dementia to attain the maximum level of independence possible and improve their quality of life. It promotes patients’ participation and integration, drawing up a complete and personal therapeutic plan, providing support to families that is coordinated with other resources. We have 91 beds at the Dr Emili Mira Centre.

The institute also offers other sector-based services, such as for example the EMSE (Medical Support Team specialising in Psychiatric Emergencies) and specific programmes aimed at professional groups. Activities are also developed in the fields of research and education.

Social commitment

  • Social commitment
  • Top 20
  • HPH Catalunya - Xarxa d'Hospitals i Centres Promotors de la Salut
Collaborating entity

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