The donation of organs can help save the lives of other people and, to make this possible, willingness to help others is essential.
For information on the donation of organs, contact the Organització Catalana de Trasplantaments (Catalan Transplant Organisation: OCATT). If you wish to contact them by telephone, the number to call is: 93 339 83 03.
When you visit yourself, ask your doctor for the MARBiobanc Informed Consent document.
You can also request it by contacting MARBiobanc directly at 93 316 06 99 or at the email address:
With his signature, he authorizes the use of the clinical data and the material left over (surplus) from the diagnostic and/or therapeutic tests performed on him in the hospital for biomedical research.
Remember, this is a completely voluntary and selfless act. Your donation will play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of diseases.
You can expand the information at:
Donating the body to science is a voluntary, personal, and altruistic act in which a person donates his body after death for teaching purposes. Bodies donated to science are a vital resource for teaching medicine and for training future professionals.
You can expand the information at:
Body donation program for science
C/ Dr. Aiguader 80, 08003 Barcelona
933 163 558 (Monday-Friday 9:00 to 13:00 h)
Parc Salut Mar
Passeig Marítim 25-29 Barcelona 08003
See location on Google maps
Phone: 93 248 30 00 · Fax: 93 248 32 54
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