Your stay in the Hospital starts at the Admissions Service, located on the right of the main hall, where they will have your doctor's order for admission. To be admitted, you need to bring the Tarjeta Sanitària Individual (TSI: Individual Healthcare Card) and the hospital pre-admission form (the yellow form).
The person admitted to the Hospital should bring some kind of clothing such as pyjamas, dressing gown, change of clothing and slippers. It is also a good idea to bring your own personal toiletry items.
During your stay, you will be given the Hospital Guidebook, which explains how the hospital works: visiting hours, meals, support services, etc.
It is a good idea for you to get to know the staff who will be working with you, particularly the doctor and the nurse, who are the people directly responsible for you. For this purpose, all staff members wear a badge with their name and professional status on it.
Next to your bed there is an intercommunicator and/or bell for calling the nursing staff. Call them whenever necessary, but please remember that unnecessary calls may cause inconvenience to other patients.
We recommend that you bring as few personal belongings as possible for your stay. However, there is a service for looking after valuables, available to the patients admitted.
The Hospital will not accept responsibility for any objects not left with this service.
At the Hospital perhaps you will not eat as well as in your own home, but we try to make our meals worthy of your approval. Mealtimes are: Breakfast is at 9am, lunch at 1pm, tea at 4pm, dinner at 7pm and supper at 12 midnight. You have two menus to choose from (excepting patients on special diets).
It is important that patients follow the diet set by the doctors, and that this is not altered by any kind of food or drink brought in by family members.
When your doctor considers that you can be discharged, remember to pick up your medical discharge report. Keep this in a safe place, as it will be very useful to your own family doctor, and will make our job easier should you visit this, or another, hospital again. It is possible that our staff will make certain recommendations to you. Pay attention to them and ask about anything that you do not understand regarding your illness. On the day of your discharge, remember that, if possible, you should leave your room before 12 midday, so that it can be used for other patients. To help us improve the Hospital, please fill in the attached questionnaire before you leave and place it in the mailbox that you will find in your Unit.
At the Hospital there is a Social Work Service, which forms part of the healthcare teams. The social workers can attend to your problems, or those of your family, originating from your hospital stay, or from the illness itself. If you require their services, you can request them from the nurse or doctor responsible for you.
There is a team of persons available to give support to patients and their families if they so wish. To request this, you can go to the information desk (in the hall of the Hospital), contact the nursing staff, or contact the Religious Service directly. The chapel is located at the end of the main corridor. A Catholic mass is held on Saturdays and Sundays at 6.30pm. We can also arrange contact with persons representing other religions.
The Centre has a Volunteer Service that carries out tasks of a social nature voluntarily and for free. If you need this service, tell the nursing staff.
All rooms have their own telephones, which work with a 1-euro coin. If you need to use the telephone, first dial 9 in order to open the line, and then dial the number required. The screen must display a minimum amount of 0.50 euros. To receive incoming calls, you can be called directly at the number shown on the sticker on the telephone in your room. The hours for receiving calls are from 9am to 10pm.
There are also public telephones in most of the wards and in the main hall.
Passeig Marítim 25-29
Barcelona 08003
Phone: 93 248 30 00 · Fax: 93 248 32 54
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