How to ask for a report

If you need a copy of any report or of results of any tests, you can ask the Clinical Records Service (Servei d'Històries Clíniques) which is in the Out-patient Department, door no. 12, from Monday to Friday, 8am to 2pm. If you wish, another person can go to collect this documentation, as long as they take your written authorisation and your original identity document as well as their own identity document. If you have any query about clinical documentation, you can contact this service by telephone (93 367 41 31).

Information on the confidentiality of information

In line with the current legislation 15/1999 of 13th December, the Hospital de l'Esperança  informs you that:

  • Data of a personal nature will be entered into a file for the purposes of obtaining the medical-health care that our users require, guaranteeing the confidentiality of these at all times. The person responsible for this file is the Head of Clinical Documentation of the MAR Health Park.
  • The persons receiving this information are all of the departments of the Hospital del Mar, other MAR Health Park centres and official bodies that, due to legal obligations, must have access to data referring to the correct provision of care services.
  • All users can exercise their rights of opposition, access, rectification and cancellation of their personal data, in accordance with the law. To exercise the rights mentioned, you can contact, in writing, the Head of the Clinical Documentation Service of the Hospital del Mar.

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  • HPH Catalunya - Xarxa d'Hospitals i Centres Promotors de la Salut
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