About us

Dr. Gerardo Conesa
Dr. Gerardo Conesa has been the Head of the Neurosurgery Service at the Hospital del Mar since 2006. He was previously a senior consultant at the Hospital Clìnic de Barcelona and a specialist assistant at Bellvitge Hospital. He made his MIR residence in neurosurgery at the latter center since 1985. He has been an associate professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Barcelona since 1999 and currently at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He received his doctorate with Matrícula cum Laude in 1994, addressing his doctoral thesis on the mapping and monitoring of language and motor function in patients with brain tumors. He currently leads the research project Sylvius with € 2.4 million to optimize the planning and execution of neurosurgical resections. He has been awarded the Medical Journal award for best ideas in 2004, and jointly the Ramón y Cajal Prize of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery Decade of the Brain in 1999.

Dr. Jaume Roquer
Dr. Jaume Roquer has been the Head of the Neurology Service at the Hospital del Mar since 2003. Doctor of Medicine from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1990). Adjunct Professor of Neurology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Coordinator of the NEUVAS Group, accredited by AGAUR and integrated into the RICAD program of IMIM-Hospital del Mar and the INVICTUS-PLUS Network (RETICS Instituto Carlos III).

Encarna Muñoz
Diploma in Nursing, official Master of Leadership and Management in Nursing Services in the University of Barcelona (2007-2008). Head of Unit Nursing Unit of Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Neurology, Neurosurgery and Sleep Unit. Hospital del Mar.

Dr. Laura Serrano
Laura Serrano is an associate of the Neurosurgery Service of the Hospital del Mar. She studied medicine and surgery at the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona. The residence was performed at the Hospital del Mar where she has been an active member of the hospital's epilepsy unit. She has performed a short fellowship at the functional neurosurgery section of the Hospital de Grenoble (France), specifically in the fields of epilepsy surgery and deep brain stimulation.

Dr. Miguel Ley
Dr. Miguel Ley is a clinical neurologist at the Epilepsy Unit of the Neurology Service of the Hospital del Mar. He completed his medical degree in 2007 and has since been a specialist in Neurology. In 2013, he underwent his epilepsy subspecialty at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. His active research focuses on the effects of antiepileptic medications on lipid metabolism, among other factors, in patients with focal epilepsy as well as on safety aspects during prolonged video-EEG monitoring.

Dr. Alessandro Principe
Dr. Alessandro Principe is an associate physician, specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology of the Epilepsy Unit (UE) of the Hospital del Mar and collaborates with the Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology group of the Institut del Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM). In 2014 he was a fellow in the Department of Epilepsy and Malaises Neurologiques of the University Hospital of Grenoble, France, where he collaborated in clinical-scientific projects under the guidance of Prof. Philippe Kahane. From 2010 to 2014 he worked as a resident physician in the specialty of Clinical Neurophysiology at the same Hospital. From 2007 to 2010 he worked as a doctor in the Department of Internal Medicine, Cardioangiology and Hepatology at the University of Bologna. In 2007 he obtained the title of Doctor cum laude in applied physiology and pathophysiology, jointly with the University of Barcelona.

Dr. Gemma Aznar
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Central University of Barcelona. Specialist doctor in Pediatrics. Certified training in Neuropediatrics at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona. Accreditation in Pediatric Neurology by the Spanish Society of Pediatrics. Doctor in Medicine by the UAB. Formative stay in Child Epilepsy Reference Center, and Neurophysiology Laboratory. Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades de Paris.
She is currently responsible for Neuropediatrics at the Hospital del Mar and coordinates pediatric patients at the Epilepsy Unit of the same hospital. She is a member of the SENEP Epilepsy Task Force. Associate Professor of Medicine UAB in Barcelona since 2008 and currently in the shared degree UAB-UPF in Barcelona. She participates in different research groups within Neuropediatrics.

Dr. Linder-Lucht
Dr. Michaela Linder-Lucht is a neuropediatrician and specialist in epilepsy. From 1999 to 2009 she worked in the Department of Neuropediatrics at the University Clinic in Freiburg, Germany. She obtained his EEG certification in 2003 and has experience in the invasive monitoring of children acquired through his activity in the Center of Epilepsy of the University of Freiburg. She currently runs an education program for children with epilepsy and their parents.

Isabel Flores
ISABEL FLORES MUXÍ, is a nurse in the Epilepsy Unit of the Hospital del Mar. In 1991, she completed her nursing studies in the EU Santa Madrona (Barcelona). She worked at the Nephrology Service at the Hospital del Mar as a nurse in dialysis and hemodialysis transplants. She graduated in psychology with a specialization in the area of neuropsychology. In 2010 she joined the team of the Epilepsy Unit. Her work focuses on the epileptic practice of nursing after a specialization course at the Epilepsy Center of the University of Freiburg (Germany).

Cristina Tato
Graduated in Nursing since 2008. She has experience in Neurological and Surgical Care since 2009, being part of the multidisciplinary team of the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit since 2012.

Eva Prado
Diploma in Nursing in 2004. Experience in vascular surgery care 2004-2009.
Experience in neurosurgical care since 2009. Being part of the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit since 2016. Hospital del Mar.

Palmira Lopez
Auxiliary Technician in Nursing with training in epilepsy. Since 2000 she has been working at the Hospital del Mar with experience in the management of patients from the Emergency Department, ICU and Operating Room. Since 2010 she has been in the Epilepsy Unit where she is responsible for patient monitoring.

Nieves Alonso
Auxiliary Technician in Nursing with training in epilepsy. Since 2010 she has been in the Epilepsy Unit where she is responsible for patient monitoring.