Energy resources are limited. Energy is not just expensive, it is priceless. The possibility that these resources will become exhausted, together with the growth of economic activity that consumes energy in a careless way, is causing serious environmental problems on both a local and a global level, which in the future may become irreversible.
The Hospitals belonging to the MAR Health Park are aware of the problems of wasting energy. Within the framework of corporate social responsibility, social commitment, respect for the environment and willingness to help others, we consider it a priority to encourage a more responsible use of energy. Therefore, we propose a campaign for saving energy, with different proposals and actions to be carried out by all of us, and by the users of our centres.
Send us your ideas to:
Passeig Marítim 25-29
Barcelona 08003
Phone: 93 248 30 00 · Fax: 93 248 32 54
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